How to Attract Positive Energy in The Year of Dragon 2024

You have probably heard of Feng Shui. Feng 風 means wind, and Shui 水 means water in Chinese.

Feng Shui is a traditional practice and art of numerology in ancient China that has been around for thousands of years. It aims to improve the luck of individuals and families by considering the location and orientation of houses, workspaces, and even graves in relation to the surrounding mountains and water. It is believed to bring good fortune to residences and businesses.

Every year, prior to the Lunar Chinese New Year, there is a traditional custom that has been practiced in China for thousands of years: thorough cleaning. This cleaning process is like a ritual to welcome the new year and is considered indispensable. It takes place during the last week of the lunar calendar year, leading up to New Year's Eve. The purpose of this cleaning is to "welcome the new and get rid of the old," symbolizing the removal of bad luck, illness, and unhappiness from the previous year, while embracing the fresh energy of the new year. Feng Shui is about removing obstacles, so cleaning your space will bring you the best Feng Shui for the upcoming new year.

Cleaning the house may appear to be a simple task, but it can reflect the state of your life.

A frequently messy home covered in dust and the constant frustration of not being able to find what you're looking for may indicate that your life is filled with emotional crises. It can also impact your mental well-being and potentially lead to physical illness. Hoarding is an example.

This perspective is not an exaggeration, but rather based on the global philosophy of life: the power of cleaning. A clean and organized living environment not only provides visual comfort but also cultivates inner peace. If you desire a smooth and happy life, it's important to start by cleaning your living space.

A student once asked, "My life is a mess, how can I improve it?"

And I often respond with a question, "When was the last time you cleaned your living space?" When you're troubled and feeling frustrated or hopeless about the current situation, take a break from everything on your mind and clean your space.

Cleaning your room involves making choices and considerations about old and new things, similar to tidying up your mental and emotional well-being.

Year-end cleaning is like giving yourself an annual summary: what should be discarded, what has been forgotten, what should be picked up, and what needs to be compensated.

The dirt, mess, and odor in the room represent the accumulation of negative energy and emotions. Only by clearing negative emotions from your mind in a timely manner can you enjoy the small joys of life.

The cleanliness of a house is not determined by wealth, but it is in a clean home where the seeds of happiness can be planted

As the ancients said, "Staying in a fragrant room for too long, you won't smell its fragrance. Living in a dirty house for too long, you won't notice its disorder.” Your home silently influences your mental state and attitude towards life.

Pre-Spring deep cleaning is our best response to life. Sweep away all the hardships and exhaustion of the past year along with the dust. Transform your home into the most beautiful place in our lives. Allow yourself to embrace peace and freedom in a clean and bright home, while eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring blossoms.

I really like this passage from "The Little Prince":

The house was very beautiful, with vines growing on the walls of the courtyard.

The interior of the house was bright and clean, filled with a pleasant fragrance. The family sat around the table, engaged in casual conversation.

The sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the family portrait hanging on the wall. The people in the photo were smiling, and those in the room were smiling too...

Perhaps, this is the best picture of happiness.

May your new year be filled with prosperity and happiness.

Happy New Year, again, with me!
